Summer Maintenance for Your Ford in Pittsburgh, PA

Summer is here, and that means itā€™s time to pack up the whole crew, pile into your Ford Explorer or F-150, and hit the road. But before you make good on your well-deserved road trip, youā€™ll want to be certain that your ride is every bit as ready as you are. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important that you keep your Ford truck or SUV up-to-date on summer maintenance.

Shults Ford Wexford isnā€™t just your preferred Ford dealer, new truck dealer, and used car dealer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Weā€™re also the place you can trust when it comes time for service. If youā€™re raring and ready to go this summer, schedule your next appointment now.

If you need summer vehicle maintenance, Shults Ford Wexford is here to help. Schedule your next appointment online or call our service department at (878)-231-4053.

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